The Dark Night Of The Soul: A Transformative Time Period

If you’ve ever experienced a dark night of the soul, you know just how grueling and challenging this initiation is. A time period where everything feels dark, where life feels colorless, where you think to yourself, “what’s the point of anything?”.

A total spiritual depression.

Having gone through not just one, but two major dark nights of the soul, I’m a little too familiar with the death and rebirth process that it brings. The excruciating grief and inner pain you feel is so REAL. It feels like you’re dying. It’s a total collapse of what you knew and what you thought you wanted.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from this difficult process, it’s the fact that humans are truly resilient and can rise from anything. We can die over and over again, yet still rise from the dead stronger and more powerful every single time. The best part is that this power is innate. It exists within us, we don’t need anything outside of us to give us this power.

We can tap into our power and resilience at any point, don’t be afraid to face the pain and transmute it into gold. Allow your dark night of the soul to be a transformative time period. Look at all the ways you’ve been playing small and holding yourself back. Release limiting beliefs and concepts that no longer serve you. Let go of people and situations that don’t support this next level of your life. Take the action needed to truly change what needs to change and be honest with yourself. Face your biggest fears and remember that even though life might not feel so clear right now, it’s all happening to teach you about your own resilience.

What a gift it is to walk through the fire and come out on the other side completely transformed.


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