The Power Of Your Sexual Energy

Sex is such a huge part of who we are as humans. It's the driving force of nature and the energetic core of life. From the birth of a child to the conception of a new creative project, all creation is rooted in our libido.

One of the biggest issues that exists in our society today is the "hook-up culture" and how easily we throw around our sexual energy. I find that our intention around sex is so necessary if we wan't to evolve and have more conscious relationships. We aren't taught this in school, and it doesn't help that the media and Hollywood glamorize this hyper-sexualized culture.

Imagine how much more powerful we would be if we harnessed our sexual energy and instead of wasting it on random people, we could put it towards our creativity and our purpose. Having and keeping the right boundaries with sex is important and the more we learn how to use this energy, the more magnetic and powerful we become. Having this willpower with sex is felt by others, it doesn't go unnoticed and you'll find that the more you protect your sexual energy, the more you'll be able to manifest the things you desire most.


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