Growth Is Intimidating…

But staying in the same place is scarier. Growth is terrifying because it requires the resilience to walk through the unknown and we can never truly know where the path of evolution will lead us. We can only trust and surrender that we will be led to a beautiful, more magical place.

One of my biggest fears has been the fear of evolving and moving past my comfort zone. When I was going through my first dark night of the soul at 21, I was afraid to surrender to the process because I knew that if I answered the calling that my soul was urging me to accept, I would outgrow the people in my life and I would lose the connections I spent so many years creating. As someone who loves merging with people and connecting deeply with others, this was the hardest thing for me to come to terms with. To know that this was a risk, to know that people might judge me for evolving, to know that I could no longer relate to my old self….that was all really intimidating.

What I’ve realized so far on this razor edge journey is that we must be willing to dive into the deep end if we want to find and be in our power. We have to be willing to take the risks of losing others for the sake of our own authenticity and growth. Those that are meant to be in our lives will meet us on the path. We won’t ever have to dim ourselves or force others to change. Things always happen the way they’re supposed to…so trust in the journey and remember that your inner self knows best.


Get Comfortable With Being Confident


The Dark Night Of The Soul: A Transformative Time Period