The Art Of Discernment

Your ability to be discerning is your protective sword on your path. We live in a world where we unfortunately can’t just blindly trust people or things. While it’s nice to think that everyone has our best interests at heart, the hard truth is that’s not always the case. In this physical reality, evil does exist — it’s naive to think otherwise.

This doesn’t mean we’re victims or that we can never open our hearts and trust. It also doesn't mean that there’s no beauty in the world — it simply means that our critical thinking and discernment skills need to be sharpened if we want to protect our well-being and our energy. Discernment is about using BOTH our logic and intuition. It’s not one or the other; it’s both working in harmony.

When we date, when we’re intimate with someone, when we collaborate with others, when we pay someone for a service, when we make new friends, when we start a new project, when an authority figure tells us to do something…are you checking in with your body and how it feels? Are you observing rather than being impulsive? Are you being strategic and allowing things to unfold?

Without a high level of discernment, we’ll end up attracting people who can take advantage of us, situations that don’t serve us, and toxic energies that drain us. Now more than ever, it’s crucial that we learn the art of discernment and observation. If we can learn to do this, we can truly allow ourselves to thrive and lead more empowered lives.


Claiming Your Femininity


Get Comfortable With Being Confident