Get Comfortable With Being Confident

Many of us are afraid of being confident because we fear being misunderstood. We fear we’ll come off as arrogant and egotistical assholes, and ultimately, we fear being rejected by our loved ones. What will they think if we start speaking our truth? What will they think if we start being true to ourselves? What will they think if we start setting boundaries with our time and energy?

The truth is that people will always have something to say. Your confidence may threaten their comfort zone and the limitations they’ve set on themselves. Your power might shine light on their insecurities and fears. Your presence might trigger them to look at their own shadows. But guess what? none of that is your problem nor is it your responsibility to dim your light in order to make others comfortable. As long as we have integrity in how we’re showing up and who we are, other people’s reactions and opinions ultimately don’t matter. The real questions should be: are YOU comfortable with who you are? Do you like who you’re becoming? Are you proud of the things you’ve accomplished?

For those of us who aren’t used to being confident, it can feel a little foreign at first. It might make our nervous systems feel a bit unsafe because we’re changing patterns and habits on an unconscious level. That’s okay, allow yourself to feel out of place for a while and remember that gaining confidence is a process and it’s not always an easy one. Give yourself grace as you move through the journey of standing in your power.


The Art Of Discernment


Growth Is Intimidating…