Developing Trust In Your Intuition

There’s so much talk around the topic of intuition and I’m sure we all want to know how to have more self-trust when we’re making major decisions or discerning whether or not a situation or person is safe to be around. The best part about intuition is that we all have it. It’s an innate power that we all possess, but sometimes it’s dormant. As children, we have wild and expansive imaginations, and this level of imagination is very much tied to our intuitive abilities. As we grow older, societal programming and people’s opinions get really loud and completely drowns our inner voice — the voice that is always whispering and nudging us in the right direction.

Lately, I’ve been really learning to surrender and trust the intuitive nudges that I get even if they don’t make logical sense in the moment. One incredible modality that has been helping me do this has been BodyIntuitive. I’ll be honest, I’m not big on many modalities especially new age ones because I find that those end up disconnecting you from your power and it keeps you dependent on external forces. However, BodyIntuitive helps you come back to yourself and it reminds us of how we already have the answers within.

Essentially, BodyIntuitive bridges the gap between the western and eastern systems and it helps you get down to the root of a physical/emotional ailment using muscle testing and a specific roadmap that pinpoints exactly where the issue lies. I was lucky enough to be a part of one of their intensive courses and it blew my mind to truly understand and FEEL into the power of my intuition. Tuning into how my body would respond when I was practicing on a client or when a practitioner was practicing on me, felt so empowering.

I love that as a society, we’re taking our power back and taking personal responsibility for our health + wellness. Modalities and tools like BodyIntuitive help us remember how powerful we truly are and how capable we are of healing ourselves without being dependent on external factors to save and heal us.


Claiming Your Femininity